Arkansas Victim Assistance Academy
The mission of the Arkansas Victim Assistance Academy is to provide comprehensive foundational and advanced level training to professionals throughout Arkansas who routinely serve with victims of crime.
U of A Partners for Inclusive Communities and CVAAA in collaboration with members of the Steering Committee and the organizations they represent offer two academies annually: a foundational academy and an advanced academy.
For additional information, please send an email to academy@cvaaarkansas.org

Foundational Academy
A weeklong professional level academy designed to provide victim service providers with intensive training tailored to the needs of Arkansas.
Curriculum includes, but is not limited to, the history of victim services, understanding the criminal justice system, ethics in victim advocacy, communicating with victims, dynamics of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, communicating with survivors of various crimes including those from underserved populations, understanding trauma and its effects, and providing trauma-informed supports.
Space is limited! All applications will be reviewed and evaluated for acceptance. This academy is ideally suited and primarily for professionals in the following fields:
victim services agencies
child advocacy centers
prosecutor offices
law enforcement agencies
criminal justice organizations
those that come in contact with victims of violence and other crimes
direct service volunteers
Priority will be given to those in these fields working for agencies that receive federal and state funds to serve victims.
This is a virtual professional level academy offered in 2024 and is designed to provide victim service providers with training tailored to the needs of Arkansas. Curriculum includes but is not limited to, the history of victim services, understanding the criminal justice system, ethics in victim advocacy, communicating with victims, dynamics of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, communicating with survivors of various crimes including those from underserved populations, understanding trauma and its effects, and providing trauma-informed supports.
Where and When
WHERE: Virtual Via Zoom
WHEN: May 29, 30 and 31 and June 26, 27 and 28, 2024
Additional Information
COSTS: There is no registration cost BUT we ask that if you are selected to attend that you attend all sessions offered each day and both the June and July trainings. Attending this year does not preclude you from applying for the future one week on site event.
REGISTRATION FORM: Available soon.
Registration deadline: TBD
ACCESS AND ACCOMMODATIONS: Captioning will be provided. Other accommodations can be requested in the online registration form.
For additional information, please send an email to avaa.arkansas@gmail.com or contact Kiah Hall at kiahh@uark.edu.
The Arkansas State Victims Assistance Academy Initiative is supported by a subgrant agreement from the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, Victim Justice Assistance Program to the University of Arkansas-Partners in collaboration with the Crime Victims Assistance Association of Arkansas and a multi-agency Academy Steering Committee. This project is supported by an award from the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime.

Advanced Academy
A two-day professional level academy designed to provide victim service providers with intensive training tailored to the needs of Arkansas.
The topics covered in this academy will vary depending on the interests, needs and emerging topics important to victim services providers.
This information is for professionals who work or volunteer in victim services agencies, child advocacy centers, prosecutor offices, law enforcement agencies, other criminal justice organizations. It is also for others who come in contact with victims of violence and other crimes and want to improve their knowledge.
For More Information
Advanced Academy trainings are provided each year. Contact us to be added to the distribution list.
To be added to the distribution list for these trainings or for more information, please send an email to avaa.arkansas@gmail.com or contact Kiah Hall at email kiahh@uark.edu or 501-725-0137.
The Arkansas State Victims Assistance Academy Initiative is supported by a subgrant agreement from the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, Victim Justice Assistance Program to the University of Arkansas-Partners in collaboration with the Crime Victims Assistance Association of Arkansas and a multi-agency Academy Steering Committee. This project is supported by an award from the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime.
AVAA Steering Committee Members
The members of the AVAA Steering Committee agree that violence against people should not be tolerated in the State of Arkansas, and that victims should be offered professional care and guidance in seeking freedom from abusive relationships and from experiencing violence of any kind.
Overall Objectives
Establish a culture of collaboration among members of the Steering Committee
Utilize the strengths of Steering Committee members in ways that enhance the quality and implementation of the Academy and other training efforts
Design a high-quality, affordable training event that reflects national best practices and provides a venue for cross training, connection and collaboration among attendees
Steering Committee Organizations
Arkansas Attorney General’s Office, Arkansas Crime Victims Reparations
Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV)
Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ACASA)
Arkansas Commission on Child Abuse, Rape and Domestic Violence (ACCARDV) – UAMS
Arkansas Prosecutor Coordinator’s Office
Crime Victims Assistance Association of Arkansas
Little Rock Police Department, Victims Advocacy
North Little Rock Police Department, Victims Advocacy
Parents of Murdered Children (POMC)
6th Judicial District – Victims Assistance
UA – Partners for Inclusive Communities
UAM – Criminal Justice Department